Cause eligibility guide
We want to help as many causes that are focused on making a difference as possible and have defined the following criteria. Please help us understand how your causes meets these and we can get you set up in no time. For the purposes of determining the membership as a cause of TheGivingMachine, causes must:
- have a UK bank account in their organisation’s name that we can pay donations into via BACS transfer.
- be formally constituted as an autonomous, democratic organisation independent of national and/or local government.
- fall into one of the following categories:
Educational Causes
- A school or educational establishment inspected by Ofsted. These include:
- Maintained schools and academies could be nursery, primary (infant and junior), secondary, community special, independent (non-maintained) special, boarding, residential special schools, pupil referral units and service children’s education.
- Independent schools can cover different age ranges from 3 to 18; include boarding schools and residential special schools.
- Other educational establishment whose primary aim is the education of its students (e.g. Universities, colleges of further education)
Charitable and Community Organisations
- a registered charity (including a regional branch of a national charity);
- an Industrial and Provident Society recognised as an exempt charity;
- a social enterprise that is:
- structured as a CIC OR
- carries the Social Enterprise Mark
An Unregistered Body/Project which falls within the eligibility tests detailed below.** ** An organisation or project with benevolent or philanthropic purposes which has the essential attributes of charity:
- a spirit of altruism, and
- a dedication to purposes which are worthy of public support
- is free of any characteristics which are essentially alien to charity:
- i.e. the primary focus of self-interest or private benefit vs. public benefit, such as the making a personal profit or the fact that the purposes in question are political, doctrinaire, or dependent on taking a particular view.