Thanks for choosing 2nd Exeter Scout Group

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Location: Devon, United Kingdom

Adventure is at the heart of everything we do. The everyday adventure of Scouting helps young people and adult volunteers experience new challenges that enrich their lives. We aim to give our scouts a fantastic experience and challenge them to enjoy fun, friendship and adventure. The 2nd Exeter Scout Group is a registered charity (number 301212) and is affiliated to a national organisation, the Scout Association although the Group is locally led and locally run by volunteers. All fundraising has to be found locally. All its members live within a five mile radius of our scout hut. The 2nd Exeter Scout Group has over 135 Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts and is the largest in the area. The Group is led by a Group Scout Leader and supported by Scout Leaders, and an Executive Committee. We have national guidelines on how the group is constituted, known as Policy, Organisation, and Rules (POR). We also have to comply with Charity Commission guidance. POR provides guidance about local financial management and governance. For more info please see

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