Five Reasons to Support your Local Community


Posted on May 24th, 2016 by Strawberrysoup

Support your local community

Look around you, your community is everywhere! Your community is you, the people you know and the facilities you use every day. That’s why we’ve pulled together a few reasons to remember to support your local community. A rich and vibrant community helps to knit together the fabric of society and blanket everyone that lives in it. The local community around you helps to protect everyone in it, especially the most vulnerable people in society. Charities and causes that help to strengthen your local community are vital and if you decide to fundraise, so you can raise cash and awareness for charities, then this will directly impact your community. We need strong communities so that we can live in a better society! What other reasons are there to support your community?

Give something back

You benefit from living in a community every day. From walking past beautiful gardens that’ve been maintained by volunteers to saying ‘hi’ to your local policeman; these are all community actions. By giving back something to your community, it’s a way of showing gratitude for the ways that you’ve been protected or benefitted from local services. Sometimes it’s not really obvious things, but subtle community actions that you would miss if they weren’t there. Adding to your community can only make it stronger.

Help with funding

Charitable causes and volunteer services run on the good will of donations and voluntary efforts, so they become areas of the community that end up needing the most support. Fundraising is always welcomed by charitable causes, especially due to cuts to charitable funding that are happening all the time. It leaves charities in difficult positions, but with the help of the community, they can stay visible and help those who need it.

Helping the vulnerable

Communities do lots of important work to help protect those who are the most vulnerable in society. By helping your local community, you can directly impact people that need support in their daily lives. Lots of vulnerable people rely on the continual support that communities and charitable causes provide them with and if this support is decreased then it can have disadvantageous consequences.

A collective action

If communities are strong and people work as a collective then they can get even more done than they can as an individual. When people work together, they can pool their skills and resources so that communities can be strengthened, improved and fight challenges that face them. Charitable causes and community action rely on people working together with a common goal in mind. Adding your voice to a collective or increasing awareness so that more people become constructive members of a community means that worthwhile action can take place.

Keep it vibrant

Societies are vibrant, happy places because of the colourful communities that exist within them. Communities are made up of people from all different walks of life and it’s crucial that everyone is able to add to a community and they are all included. By helping to support community schemes and initiatives that aim to improve community cohesion, society becomes even more inclusive, which means that people can learn from each other and benefit everyone in their surroundings.


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