Simba Sleep help you stop your partner from snoring


Posted on March 26th, 2018 by Luisa Gatward

Been kept up all night? If your partner is keeping you awake with their nocturnal nasal gymnastics, you’re not alone. Estimates suggest anything from one third to half of Brits snore. It can affect people of all ages, so if you’ve got kids, don’t be surprised if you hear them too.

But what causes snoring? As sufferers breathe in and out while they are sleeping, the noise occurs by vibration when air whizzes past the soft tissues in the nose, throat or mouth. And it can vary from person to person, so one may snore quietly while another could sound like a train ratting through your bedroom.

While snoring can be seen as amusing (although not that funny if you are kept awake by it), it can impact on the health of some people. Tiredness and poor concentration are common complaints. Then there’s obstructive sleep apnoea, a serious condition related to snoring, where a sufferer’s airways can become blocked through the night and can lead to them gasping or choking.

Snorers can also suffer from anxiety, with them worrying about what others might think of their condition, including their partners – and that can lead to friction in a relationship.

If you and your partner are longing for a decent, peaceful night of slumber again, help is at hand. It’s National Stop Snoring Week from 23rd to 27th April, so we’ve put together some things for them to try – and if you’re really asking for yourself, we’ll keep that as our little secret…

Avoid alcohol

Yes, we all like a drink now and again, but alcohol isn’t always your friend before bed. It relaxes the muscles when you sleep and that can lead to your airways narrowing – which brings on snoring. Swap that glass of red wine for a cup of tea and see if that helps.

Say goodbye to smoking

Smoke decreases airflow in your nose and throat. It irritates the lining and causes swelling. So put the ciggies away – or at least cut down on them.

Stay healthy and have a good diet

Being overweight can lead to problems through the night. Fatty tissue around your neck can block the airway and stop you from breathing properly. Work on improving your diet and try exercise too – both are great at helping you sleep well and could lead to the peaceful slumber you and your partner have been craving.

Try tongue exercises

Working your tongue muscles could do wonders for combatting snoring. Researchers in Brazil discovered that some simple exercises could help to banish it from the bedroom.

Nasal strips and sprays

As a narrow airway is a common cause for snoring, try opening it up with the help of nasal strips and sprays. If you’re struggling with an allergy, speak to a pharmacist or your GP who may suggest antihistamines.

Change sleeping position

You’re more likely to snore if you sleep on your back. Yes, we know you feel most comfortable in that position, but you’d be better off sleeping on your side. Doing so prevents your tongue and any fatty tissue under your chin from squashing your airway as it would when you’re on your back.

It might take a combination of these exercises to see success, so it’s worth your partner (or you…) trying all of them to see what works best. And while they’re at it, it’s still possible to get a good night’s sleep, although you may need to put the earplugs in for the meantime. Sleeping on a good-quality mattress will mean whatever the distraction, you’ll still drift off into the land of nod and wake up refreshed.

Find out about Simba’s range of mattresses, which are shaped for you using their Simbatex layer – it’s like a mattress tailor made for you.


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